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Categoría: Cartoon

Habla con acento francés, es elegante y refinado. Si no fuera porque apesta, encontraría novia enseguida. Sus historias de amor suelen acabar en tragedia, ya que confunde a cualquier animal con su zorrilla ideal.
- Odor-able Kitty - (1945)
- Scent-imental Over You - (1947)
- Odor of the Day - (1948)
- For Scent-imental Reasons - (1949)
- Scentimental Romeo - (1951)
- Little Beau Pepé - (1952)
- Wild Over You - (1953)
- The Cats Bah - (1954)
- Dog Pounded - (1954)
- Two Scent's Worth - (1955)
- Past Perfumance - (1955)
- Heaven Scent - (1956)
- Touché and Go - (1957)
- Really Scent - (1959)
- Who Scent You? - (1960)
- The Bugs Bunny Show (1960) TV Series
- A Scent of the Matterhorn - (1961)
- Louvre Come Back to Me! - (1962)
- The Porky Pig Show (1964) TV Series
- Bugs Bunny's Easter Special (1977)
- The Daffy Duck Show (1978) TV Series
- Bugs Bunny's Christmas Carol (1979)
- Bugs Bunny's Looney Christmas Tales (1979)
- The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie (1979)
- The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie (1981)
- Bugs Bunny's Mad World of Television (1982)
- Bugs vs. Daffy: Battle of the Music Video Stars (1988)
- Carrotblanca - (1995)
- Space Jam (1996)