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Categoría: Cartoon

Esta serie de la Warner Bros muestra animaciones de Nostradamus, Juana de Arco, Abraham Lincoln y Molly Pitchers entre otros. Nadie es demasiado grande ni demasiado pequeño para aparecer en "¡Histeria!"
- Inventors Hall Of Fame
- The U.S. Civil War
- The Attack Of The Vikings
- The Wild West
- The American Revolution
- The Know-It-Alls
- The Renaissance
- The U.S. Civil War
- Really Oldies But Goodies
- The American Revolution
- A Blast In The Past
- China
- Tribute To Tyrants
- The Montezuma Show
- Great Heroes Of France
- The Terrible Tudors
- The Wheel Of History
- When Time Collides
- Around The World In A Daze
- Histeria Satellite TV
- General Sherman's Campsite
- Return To Rome
- Russian Revolution
- Inventors Hall of Fame (2)
- Meglomaniacs
- Hooray For Presidents
- The Thomas Jefferson Program
- More Explorers
- The Ol' Fishin' Hole
- Super Writers
- History Of Flight
- Presidential People
- Writers Of The Purple Prose
- Histeria Around The World
- When America Was Young
- Loud Kiddington's Ancient History
- Super Amazing Constitutions
- Better Living Through Science
- The Dawn Of Time
- Music
- World War II
- The Teddy Roosevelt Show
- Communuts
- Americana
- 20th Century Presidents
- Histeria Around The World
- Histeria! Goes to the Moon
- Heroes of Truth and Justice
- Euro-Mania
- Big Fat Baby Theatre
- France
- North America