Estados Unidos
Categoría: Cartoon


- The Mutoids
- The Gladiators of Kyanite
- The Antidote
- Attack From Space
- Defeat of Ogron
- Destroyer Ants
- Mekkano, The Machine Man
- Prisoners of the Bubble Men
- The Android People
- The Crystalites
- The Pirates
- The Pod Creatures
- The Spider Man
- The Island of the Gravites
- Tiny World of Terror
- Mission of the Amatons
- Swamp Monster
- The Lost Dargyte
- Temple of Trax
- Mekkor
- Queen Skorra
- The Raiders
- Malak and the Metal Apes
- The Mole Men
- Return of Sta-Lek
- The Time Creatures
- Attack of the Faceless People
- Revenge of the Pirates
- Laser Lancers
- Sarko the Arkman
- The Beaked People
- The Zorbots
- Invasion of the Electrode People
- Ruler of the Reptons
- The Raider Apes
- The Return of Torak